Thursday, October 23, 2008

Prop 8 Proponents Proudly Proclaim Preservation of Patriarchal Pro-Family Position

My local newspaper has an opinion section that routinely demonstrates the redness of my small town suburban California surroundings. Today was no exception.

There were 3 - count em 3!!! - letters to the editor expressing support for Prop 8. And one letter complaining about their "Yes on 8" signs being stolen.

Letters against 8, you guesset it - ZERO!

Every letter had many justifications as to why Marriage should be protected in California. The fellatious idea that now gay marriage will be taught in school, the idea that the gays already have the same rights as everyone else, that "our religious views are threatened", etc..

Lets get this straight(heh) - Prop 8 is DISCRIMINATION pure and simple. It will disallow rights to a select group of citizens that don't meet the approval of a segment of society that is religiously bigoted in their views and afraid of what they don't understand. It will make the law of the land that some are not as good as others. This goes against the very core of the American ideal that all men (and women) were created equal. There is simply no justification for this Proposition.

Please help defeat this disgusting affront to fairness and equality. Donate here.

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